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Supporting Students with Disabilities

正规博彩十大网站排名致力于在校园内创建一个无障碍和包容的社区. 更多有残疾和/或健康问题的学生正在与无障碍教育办公室联系. However, 许多学生在与OAE建立服务之前首先向教师/工作人员披露他们的残疾. 以下是帮助有残疾和/或健康状况的学生与我们办公室联系的一些方法.

Making a Referral to the Office of Accessible Education (OAE)

OAE与残疾和/或健康状况影响广泛主要生活活动的学生一起工作. In addition to serving students with physical and sensory disabilities, OAE works with students who have:

  • Psychological diagnoses such as Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, or PTSD
  • Learning disabilities such as ADHD or Dyslexia
  • 慢性疾病,如艾滋病、癌症、创伤性脑损伤、食物过敏或糖尿病

虽然这不是一个详尽的清单,但它确实代表了学生学习OAE的常见原因. 学生不了解OAE并不罕见,因为许多学生没有使用K-12的资源. 教师或工作人员通常是学生在互动中分享健康状况和/或与残疾有关的斗争的第一个人. 以下是一些关于如何将学生推荐给OAE的资源,看看我们是否可以为他们提供帮助和支持.


When a Referral to OAE Needs to Happen

  • If a student directly discloses a disability or health condition to you
    • 例如:一个学生告诉你他们很沮丧,正在服药
  • Students discloses receiving past accommodations or services, either as a transfer student or in K-12
    • 例如:一个学生说他们以前在另一门课程或学校有额外的考试时间,想在这里使用它们

When a Referral to OAE Could Happen

If you see a student who is struggling, you engage with them directly and share campus resources available to them

Ways to Document a Referral to OAE

  • 与直接向您透露残疾或健康状况的学生分享的电子邮件模板想法如下. 欢迎您进行复制和粘贴,并根据您的情况进行必要的编辑. If a student shares information with you about a disability, making this direct referral is not a violation of confidentiality; rather, you’re giving them the resource who can best help them explore options:
    • Hello Student, 谢谢你昨天的谈话,很高兴能更多地了解你并讨论课程的各个方面. 我想进一步了解一下校园办公室的信息,你可以联系他们,讨论对你的学术追求有帮助的资源.
      • 无障碍教育办公室(OAE)在临时或永久的基础上处理各种残疾和健康状况. Their focus is to ensure access for students. You can learn more about them by visiting the Office of Accessible Education website 或者通过COMPASS安排会议,如果你想详细讨论你的问题. Thank you.
  • Email if a student is referred to campus resources. 欢迎您进行复制和粘贴,并根据您的情况进行必要的编辑.
    • Hello Student, 谢谢你昨天的谈话,很高兴能更多地了解你并讨论课程的各个方面. 我想继续了解一些校园办公室的信息,你可能想联系一下,以支持你的学术追求.
      • 无障碍教育办公室(OAE)将在临时或永久的基础上处理各种残疾和健康状况. Their focus is to ensure access for students. You can learn more about them by visiting the Office of Accessible Education website 或者通过COMPASS安排会议,如果你想详细讨论你的问题. Thank you.
        • 注意:添加您建议给学生的额外办公室,包括健康中心, SUMMIT Advisor, etc.

Students Right to Self Disclosure & Confidentiality

Remember that our students are adults; they may respond best to private conversations in which you use an inquiring and supportive approach and share information about the existence and location of the OAE office. Only the student can decide to disclose their disability, or to pursue information about services available. 因此,残疾信息必须保密,因为它属于FERPA. Again, 直接转介给OAE并不违反学生的保密规定,但在任何时候都不应告知班级或其他学生学生有残疾, except at the student’s request. 学生与教师分享的所有信息都将专门用于为学习课程安排合理的住宿.

What is the Privacy Requirement for Health Information Provided to OAE?

提交给OAE的所有信息和文件都与学术记录分开保存,并被认为是私人的 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). HIPPA隐私和保密指南不适用于提交给OAE的文件,因为它们不用于治疗. 根据FERPA的指导方针,OAE不能保证完全保密,因为出于教育需要,有时可能需要与其他ASC员工/教职员工分享一些信息.e. facilitation of the accommodation process).

Receiving a Request for Approved Accommodations

正式的住宿申请将通过我们的AIM系统通过教师通知信(FNL)发给您. 这些信件中的便利并不意味着给残疾学生不公平的优势, 而是给他们一个平等的机会来展示对课程内容的掌握. Although a student may request an academic adjustment at any time, the student should request this as early as possible. Some academic adjustments may take more time to provide than others. 学生应遵循既定程序,以确保学院有足够的时间审查请求并提供适当的学术调整.

Also, OAE并不要求教师为了学生的利益而修改基本的课程要求. Any faculty member considering denying an accommodation because it modifies an essential course requirement should consult with OAE; the responsibility and authority for determining appropriate and reasonable accommodations lies with OAE. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the FNL or an accommodation, please contact the student’s assigned OAE staff person.

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