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退伍军人事务部为退伍军人及其家属管理着各种各样的教育福利计划. Agnes Scott assists students in taking full advantage of these benefits.

What are the different types of VA Educational Benefits?

《正规博彩十大网站排名》(Post-9/11 GI Bill®)为在9/11当天或之后累计服役至少90天的个人提供教育和住房方面的财政支持, 2001, 或者在30天后因工作致残而离职的人. 您必须获得光荣退伍,才有资格享受后9/11退伍军人法案®. This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits.

后9/11 GI法案®也为一些服务成员提供了将他们的GI法案®转移到家属的机会.


  • $24,476.79 for tuition 和 fees per academic year, paid directly to Agnes Scott.
  • A monthly housing allowance 和 up to $1,000 in books 和 supplies stipend, both paid directly to the student.

家属教育援助为某些退伍军人的合格家属提供教育和培训机会. The program offers up to 36 months of education benefits. DEA benefits are paid directly to the student.

Monthly rates are $1,298 per month in the 2022-2023 academic year, pro-rated by the number of days in the academic calendar.

To be eligible you must be the son, daughter or spouse of:

  • 因服役伤残而死亡或永久残疾的退伍军人. The disability must arise out of active service in the Armed Forces.
  • 在这种永久性和完全与服役有关的残疾存在的情况下,因任何原因死亡的退伍军人.
  • 阵亡军人在行动中失踪或在执行任务时被敌军俘虏的军人.
  • 被外国政府或政权强制拘留或拘禁的服役人员.
  • 因与服务有关的永久和完全残疾而住院或接受门诊治疗并可能因该残疾而出院的服务人员.

The MGIB® program provides up to 36 months of education benefits. 一般来说,福利金的支付期限为退役后的10年. This program is also commonly known as Chapter 30. Service members who served after September 10, 2001, 还可以根据第33章申请最多12个月的权利, the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, once their 36 months of benefit for Chapter 30 expire. 他们也可以在第30章的福利到期之前转换为第33章来代替第30章的福利.

The benefit is a monthly stipend paid directly to the student.

If you’re a member of the Army, 海军, 空军, Marine Corps or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard, 根据蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®-选定预备役(MGIB-SR)计划,您可能能够获得长达36个月的教育和培训福利.

You can get education benefits if you meet the requirements listed below.

One of these must be true:

  • 你有6年的服役义务(你同意服役6年),或者
  • 你是预备役军官你同意在最初的服役义务之外再服六年兵役

And all of these must also be true. 你:

  • Finish your initial active duty for training (IADT), 和
  • Get a high school diploma or something of equal value, like a High School Equivalency Diploma or GED, before finishing IADT, 和
  • Stay in good st和ing while serving in an active Selected Reserve unit.
应用 for VA Benefits

“文科似乎不是军事生涯最传统的基础, 但我在艾格尼丝·斯科特磨练的领导技能和行动主义很好地诠释了我作为海军飞行外科医生的角色.”

Lt. Cmdr. Sarah-Blythe Ballard '02, M.D., M.P.H.

应用ing for VA Benefits

All applications for VA benefits can be completed online at the VA Education website. While online is the quickest 和 most efficient way, if you need to use a paper form please see the documents listed below. (documents attached)

学生类型 Form
Dependent's first time application for VA education benefits (Chapter 33) VA表格22-1990
Dependent's first time application for VA education benefits (Chapter 35) VA表格22-5490
Veterans first time applying for VA education benefits VA表格22-1990
申请更改课程及/或转学至新学校(非第35章) VA表格22-1995
申请更改课程及/或转往新学校(第35章) VA表格22-5495

每个月,退伍军人事务部第33章的接受者被要求完成注册验证. Find more information 在这里.

Frequently Asked Questions

打电话给1.888.442.4551 if you have any questions for the VA. You can also email the VA by going to Click on Ask a Question 和 follow the instructions.
VA学校认证官员(经济援助办公室)在VA- once计算机系统中对VA学生进行认证, 维护学生记录,并通知VA任何学生或课程的变化. The VA School Certifying Official does not process VA applications.
我们可以在学期开始前60天证明第30章和第33章的福利. We can certify Chapter 35 benefits 30 days before the start of the term.

New /Transfer Students

  • A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility that you received from the VA.
  • 填写退伍军人入学证明表格(由退伍军人事务部签发)

Returning Students

  • 填写退伍军人入学证明表格(由退伍军人事务部签发)

Agnes Scott College participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program. In addition to the Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits ($24,476.79 for full-time students), we will contribute up to $10,000 in funds which will be matched by the Veteran’s Administration.

You may be eligible if:

  • 你在2001年9月10日之后服役的总时间,或至少36个月;
  • 你因服役致残而光荣退役,自9月10日起连续服役30天, 2001;
  • 您是符合上述资格标准的基于退伍军人服务的后9/11 GI法案的权利转移资格的受抚养人.

For more information visit Yellow Ribbon program 和 veteran eligibility.

是的. 我们证明你参加了艾格尼丝·斯科特为期五周的暑期课程. 然而,正规博彩十大网站排名的黄丝带奖学金只适用于秋季和春季学期.
你需要让VA认证官员了解你专业的任何变化, 邮寄地址, marital status or credit hours.
Students are paid the housing allowance directly from the VA. 付款在月底到达,并基于你所就读学校的邮政编码. Contact the VA directly for more information.
每年1000美元的助学金直接从退伍军人事务部一次性支付给学生. Contact the VA directly for more information.
是的. 但是HOPE奖学金会先存入你的账户,然后再计算你的VA福利金额.
The VA will not pay for W grades. If you withdraw 和 earn W grades in all of your classes, you will owe the VA the money for those classes.






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